Ryan Fay headshot

My name is Ryan Fay, and this is my second time running for Davidson Commissioner. My family has lived in Davidson for 7 years, the first on Jetton St. and the last 6 in the Kimberly/Hudson Place neighborhood. I am currently the Director of Business Operations running the day-to-day management of all three Scott Clark dealerships. While I candidly admit I don’t have all the answers for Davidson, I am deeply involved in the town and very eager to research new topics and learn from our amazing citizens. I believe that my financial and business background, which are unmatched in the field, are a perfect fit to round out a diverse group of potential commissioners. 

My top four issues are: Diversity and Equality, Infrastructure, Fiscal Responsibility and Community. 1) We must do everything in our power to make sure we get affordable housing units built by developers instead of opting for the Payment in Lieu. I want to work with the town to encourage more minority and women owned retail businesses in addition to entrepreneurship grants for local small-business start-ups. 2) Pedestrian Safety and Greenway connectivity are critical action items for the new board. 3) The American Recovery Act funds for the town, approximately $4.2 million, are transformative, and we need to make sure that the funds are spent wisely and efficiently. 4) I want to expand on my 2017 campaign idea of Community Dinners and increase resident’s engagement with town government through neighborhood meetings and community events.